First, probably our biggest deal going on right now: our little girl is getting SO BIG! I can't believe she will be a year old in less than 3 weeks! Where has the time gone? These are some pictures of her standing all on her own, she's really quite proud of herself everytime she does, and we are too. This past couple of weeks have been so exciting because she is really starting to do a lot of new things like standing up without holding on to anything, signing "more" when I feed her, she says "Hi" "Bye" "Dada" and "Papa" and I think she tries to say "Duffy" too, but you would NEVER understand it! She claps and tries to imitate other things we are doing and eats a few things by herself. I have been amazed on a daily basis ever since I had Duffy 3 years ago and I am just so lucky to be a mommy, it's so exciting to learn the world all over again through their eyes. (By the way: ignore the mismatched pj's-the night before was a battle and by the time I would have had a chance to change her she was READY to eat and go to sleep, so she wore her daytime shirt to bed!)
Don't you just love a good milk mustache?
I finally found Maisy some biter biscuits, they have been out at both stores here for a while for some strange reason. She loves them! She makes a huge mess but it keeps her happy for a few minutes at least :) Wednesday I found a recipe for homemade teething biscuits though so Duffy and I made some last night and she loves those just as much, which is nice because I know exactly what's in them, plus they cost less than a dollar for a batch of 15! Yay for me ;)
What a cute girl!
I love this picture even though it's not the best quality! It's just a boy and his dog :) Buddy is getting pretty old and crotchety (?) so this picture is no small feat and he got up right after I took it. Duffy just loves Buddy and told me that Buddy was cold and needed a blankie, sometimes he can be really nurturing, and I love that about him: all boy with a few sweet spots!
Joey plays in a softball league on Tuesday nights and it is always the highlight of Duffy's week. He waits and waits to play with Daddy, even though we just watch. This is a pic of him waiting on the bleachers for the game to start, can't you just see the excitement in his face?
Here are the pretty little faces I get to wake up to every morning! I am such a lucky mom, not only to have such healthy, darling children but also to be the one that gets to be with them everyday. One day I'll go back to work but for now I am so grateful to be home with them, I wouldn't want to miss all the new fun things they do every day! The top one I thought was great because her hair is so long in front that it gets crazy and hangs down into her eyes, but I refuse to cut it because she's my baby and I can't stand the thought of cutting her sweet hair!
Size up your pole.
12 years ago
1 comment:
Isn't it the best to be home with your kids? I always think that when they reach a milestone like standing on their own or something. You don't have to hear about it from a babysitter - you were there to see it!
Your kids really are adorable. I want to steal their red hair and put it on my kids!
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